First Entry

I fear to start cringe but it's a part of me, therefore my intro I shall give


1 min read


Ladies and gentlemen (dear lord ๐Ÿ’€), welcome to my humble post. I am a 16 year old Nigerian male student of Algonquin college (not common, i know ๐Ÿ˜Ž). I judiciously aspire to inspire the money into my bank account to multiply, which is why I graciously chose computer science. I'm kind of rethinking that. Unfortunately, just failed my introduction to programming course as a first year in my first term at Algonquin College (sorry mom), I have searched the web to find ways to improve my dreadful state. Thus, here I am...hi! Although, I'm not a quitter (not much of a choice), I do plan on retaking it next term to pick up the broken pieces of my progress. This is my first blog, not many words, but many horribly integrated jokes I must say. Thank you for reading and till we meet again, lobe.
